Change is always good. Make sure those changes are to serve you, not benefit someone else.
It is important to put yourself on top of your list
Many times when we are asked to write down the most important things in our lives, the top of our list is usually our children, families, and jobs but never ourselves.
That is because of the general misconception that putting yourself first is being selfish, as the old teaching goes – put others before yourself.
Putting yourself first is not disregarding other peoples needs, it is taking responsibility for yourself so that you can have the resources and energy to help others.
You can not prioritise someones comfort when you are not in a good place.
You can not cover someones expenses before you take care of your own.
You can not feed other people before you eat, well you can, but what good are you doing then if you can not take care of yourself but want to take care of others.
Actually when I read this back right now, part of me feels selfish for saying these things but I am done feeling guilty for learning that it is important to take care of my needs first.
Naturally, givers do not have anyone to help them out when they are in need.
Those very people that you go out of your way to help when they are down never have anything to offer during your time of need and more often than not, they do not say that because they don’t have the money or time but because they do not know how to give, only to receive.
When I first started flying, I used to wonder why during the safety demonstration before take off, we were encouraged to put on our oxygen masks first before we help the young and elderly.
It bothered me because I thought that if I was travelling with a child, I would probably break the rules and look after my child first but think about it, it only takes a few seconds to grab your own mask then you can help and do a lot more good instead of passing out before you even help anyone.
It is always good practice to give and share and look after other people but take the time to look after yourself first so that you may be able to help others without feeling under pressure or burning out from over stretching yourself.
Photos by pexels and pixaby